Monday, September 1, 2008

Update, New Day

Ok, so now it is September 1st, 2008. Who knew time would fly so quickly. Eleanor is just about 3. She is the baby. She is such a stinker. The smarter they are, the harder it is to reason with them. She thinks she is the boss. Little does she know. But, she is not only smart, she is beautiful too. Wouldn't you agree. Just say yes, so we can move on.
Wanted to fill you in on the running. I have not given up. I has all of my accountablity people bail. Is this a good excuse for not completeing the month as I would have like to? Probably not. I am really not sure what has happened to be since I have birthed 4 babies and turned 30 years ago. I have no motivation anymore. I don't really care what size my pants are. How sad. But, I will not be defeted!!! No, today is a new month. This new month can bring lots of new stuff. I want to be a good example for my kids.
A question for today. Why does it cost so much to eat health? Junk food is really cheap. And why do my kids want junk food all of the time? If you have any good answeres to these questions will you please tell me. I am still in the dark.


SentimentsbyDenise said...

She's a beauty, that's for sure! But then, so are the other three!

Get the motivation in while you're young, dear, because it gets even harder after 40 (and also at 47! ahem!).

Our Em is a good example to us with her healthy eating, so don't dispair! Keep good foods available to them and you'll be amazed at what they will end up craving in the long run. Do you garden? Those fresh veggies and fruits are a wonderful addition to their diet!

So glad you updated!

Adrienne said...

she is beautiful tricia!! keep walking/running/whatever you can do to exercise. sorry i bailed on you on the running. my poor knee couldn't take anymore. but excuses aside, i still bailed. :( also, good question about the eating healthy. it costs more to grow organic fruits/veggies because of certification. but that seems silly to me too. if you find the answer, fill me in! :)
Love ya!!!

A Romantic Porch said...

Yes, she's beautiful! And yes again, healthy food is expensive, bummer...but being sick from eating junk food is expensive too! xo rachel