Saturday, September 13, 2008

Singing in the Rain

Do you remember playing in the rain? I do. I can remember doing exactly what these two gifts are doing right here. Getting the water out of the downspout. It was such a beautiful day. The rain was warm and the sky bright. I can't believe we were the only kids out playing in the rain. But, boy did we have fun!!

OK, what you can't see in this picture is Cail about to drown his big brother with out Cameron knowing it. He is one sneaky little trickster. Better watch this one closely.

Just singing in the rain, Just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling, just singing in the rain.

When was the last time you played in the rain???? Tomorrow is supposed to have some. Grab some buckets or what ever you can find that will hold water, get the kids, get the friends, and go out there. It will do your soul good.

Did you know that people did not know what rain was until God flooded the whole earth? What do you think that experience was like? How about the first time it snowed? Or hailed? What must have those early tribe thought? Are we going to experience anything totally new?

Lets enjoy the days God gives us. Don't clean to much, don't work to hard. Play with those gifts you have been given. Wiggle a little. You will love it, I promise.


SentimentsbyDenise said...


And G's skirt... priceless!

A Romantic Porch said...

Playing in the rain is so fun! I'm glad you let your kids do it too. xo rachel