Monday, July 21, 2008

Working Moms

So, I just spent the weekend working. I am an RN at The Indiana Heart Hospital in the Medical Intensive Care Unit. Sounds pretty impressive, ey? Well, it's not all that. I only work 1 may 2 days a week. I have been around long enough that I tell them when I will work. I love that about my job!!! What is my point here? Oh, yeah. I was thinking last night about how I have heard people say, "I am a better mom because I work full time." I totally don't feel this way. My kids miss me; as great as the man is about keeping the house tidy, it is just not the same; I miss those stinking kids; and to top it off, after working 12 hours with sometimes very difficult people, I don't want anyone to talk to me.

Only if our situation changed, would I be willing to work anymore than what I am doing right now. Are the moms who work full time feeling this way too, and just afraid to say it? I don't know. All I know is God created me to be a wife and a mommy full time, and allowed me to become a nurse so I can use those skills part time to make some extra cash for playing around. I am thankful I became a nurse. It allows me to be the Proverbs 31 woman without sacrificing the children arising and calling me blessed.


Adrienne said...

Tricia, i definitely admire you for working as hard as you home and at the hospital! I think that being a nurse is the best job for being able to work only a couple days a week and then be home with your kids! You are a great mom. I can't answer your question since I don't work outside the home...but I'm interested to hear what others think.

and ps...i'll take that bagel recipe. i think something went wrong with my yeast proofing.

Adrienne said...

Oh, and that Trace Adkins song is absolutely ridiculous, it may be worse than Don't Blink.

Amanda Pittman said...

That song makes me cry EVERY TIME I hear it!! Ugh!
I feel the same way... I was created to be a wife and mommy. I'm hoping to make it my career, but dear old hubby isn't so sure! I think he'll change his mind if I ever were to go to work fulltime:)
I'm glad I have mommy friends who feel the same way and also look to God for grace and guidance. You are such a blessing on my path:)

SentimentsbyDenise said...

Hey - I found your blog!
I love that so many of my friends (young mothers/wives) are starting blogs!
I've been blogging for over two years now. Stop by for a visit and leave a comment, if you have a moment.
I did the freezer cooking thing about a month ago (on a Saturday morning) and thought it was well worth it! We're just finishing up all the stuff I made, so I believe its time to do it again! I even blogged about my experience. Last time I did it alone, but next time Emilee is going to assist - yeah!
