Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm Back!

Well, as I see, it has been about 6 months since the last post. I'd like to say not much has happened in those six months. But, that would be a lie. So here is a little catch up.

It started in August when Ellie decided to fall from the second floor to the first floor breaking her arm coming as close to a compound fracture as she could without actually breaking the skin. After 6weeks in a cast and 2 in a splint she is good as new. Would never know she broke it!!

That leads me to my next big move. As most of you know, I home schooled the kids for about 2 years. It was a constant struggle for me. I called out to God and again he answered so faithfully. Was I not relying on God, or was I being stubborn and trying to do what I thought was a great thing. After all, a lot of my friends home schooled. But through my dear Husband, I got an answer. "Put the kids in school!" I realized God did not call me to home school, I was doing it because it looked good and godly. I was being prideful in my decisions. They now attend NPE and they all have great teachers. God has blessed this decision.

Christmas has just passed. It was wonderful! This was clearly the best Christmas we have had as a family. It was peaceful and reflective. I will just leave it at that.

May God bless you this New Year! I look forward to the many new adventures and treasured moments to come.

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