Sunday, October 12, 2008
Loving the Excitment!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Freezer cooking
1) Find a person to coordinate cooking day.
This person should be the one who decides the meals, does the shopping or designates the shopping to someone. She would also decide location and be responsible for clean up.
2)Find some friends who would love to participate.
These can be anyone. If your family has special dietary needs, find some moms who also have these needs. If you have 15 people you feed every night, finds some other super heroes to cook with.
3)Pick and day and time then stick with it
Once you have all of these, you are ready to start your OAMC.
Prep- decide on the menu. I like to cook between 10-15 meals including at least one breakfast item.
Email- send your recipes to your group. Include in this the Meat list Since meat is a tricky item to bulk buy, and some people are picky, I always have my group buy their meat and prepare it at home. If the recipe calls for browned beef, or cooked chicken, I have them do this at home. I also try to include any pans that might be needed. It is easier to place items in ziploc style bags, but occasionally, there are items that won't fit.
Also have your group RSVP. It is very important. You don't want to buy too much or to
little. If you say you are coming and don't you still owe me for the ingredients.
Shopping- once you have the count of your group you can go shopping. I buy all of the indigents except meat. I take the recipe and multiply by the number cooking. I keep the receipts divide the cost by the number cooking. This keeps the cost down. I have a stock of
ingredients that we frequently use, like spices, this keeps the cost down as well.
Cooking- have each person bring with them: cooler, bowls, measuring cups and spoons, knives
any other kitchen item you might not have enough of. It is also nice to have things like
a food processor, electric skillets, mixer, lots of dish towels. These items are nice but not necessary.
Pair up into teams of two if possible. Pick a recipe and make it for each person in the group. If you have 8 people and are making meatloaf, you and your partner would take each persons meat and prepare 8 meatloaves. If the recipe is Honey lime chicken then you would make 8 of these. Repeat process until all recipes are done. Try completing the more difficult recipes first. Like chicken nuggets. These need to be started early or you will be waiting on them when all else is done, because they need to be cooked in the oven for 10 min.
Clean up- clean up as you go, and make sure you mop the floor when you are done. It will be a
Take home- fill coolers and send them home. I split any left over ingredients that probably
won't be used soon, and send them home.
Collect- don't forget to collect the money from your group. I have a fund that is used for the
shopping. This way, I don't use my family food money to buy the groceries for cooking
club. It makes it easier to separate and keep the books balanced.
Enjoy- go home place food in freezer. Set out meal for tomorrow, take a break.
Any comments or questions?? Clear as mud right. Just let me know, I will try to answer any questions you might have.
This have really been a blessing in my life. I hope it can be in yours too.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Through God, you can
Thanks for all those who cheered me on.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Calling out to God
From this realization, stemmed the overwhelming feeling of not being able to accomplish all I want to in my day. I home school 3 kids while the 4th tries her best to do every possible thing to interfere. Yes, I have given her things to work on, special work, toys, even a movie. It hasn't worked so far. I have a large house to keep clean. Six people create some serious laundry. Six people eat a lot of food as well. The cooking for them can be a chore. Then there is the daily trip to the gym for Grace's scholarship plan. She does competitive gymnastics. (She has God given talent. Saturday was her first meet of the season. She got 1 gold, 2 silver, and 1 bronze.) Then there is football for Cameron, violin for Cail, gym for Ellie, co op for school, MOPS, Board of Christian life, OMAC cooking, date night. Did I mention I work outside of the home 2 days a week. Oh, I also want to be a "nice" wife, mother, and friend. How does on person do all of this. Well, that was my complaint. I can't get it all done. I can not do it.
I had no energy for concentrating on the food and exercise. I put me last. And now I will pay for it.
So, here is what God said, I know this is the part you have been waiting for. "Tricia my dear, YOU CAN'T! But, THROUGH ME AND ONLY THROUGH ME YOU WILL." Only as I lay my life down at the foot of Jesus will I be able to accomplish anything. My verse for this week will be 1 Peter 3:8-11 here is what it says.
"Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To HIM be the power for ever and ever, AMEN."
God will restore me, and make me strong. Get behind me satan, I have Jesus on my side!!
Are you calling out? Has He answered? I would like to hear.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Singing in the Rain
Do you remember playing in the rain? I do. I can remember doing exactly what these two gifts are doing right here. Getting the water out of the downspout. It was such a beautiful day. The rain was warm and the sky bright. I can't believe we were the only kids out playing in the rain. But, boy did we have fun!!
OK, what you can't see in this picture is Cail about to drown his big brother with out Cameron knowing it. He is one sneaky little trickster. Better watch this one closely.
Just singing in the rain, Just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling, just singing in the rain.
When was the last time you played in the rain???? Tomorrow is supposed to have some. Grab some buckets or what ever you can find that will hold water, get the kids, get the friends, and go out there. It will do your soul good.
Did you know that people did not know what rain was until God flooded the whole earth? What do you think that experience was like? How about the first time it snowed? Or hailed? What must have those early tribe thought? Are we going to experience anything totally new?
Lets enjoy the days God gives us. Don't clean to much, don't work to hard. Play with those gifts you have been given. Wiggle a little. You will love it, I promise.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Update, New Day
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Favorite Shoes
These are my old shoes. They are now yard shoes. I think I have had these for over 15months. They are way beyond being decent walking or running shoes. I made them last as long as I could. When I could no longer stand them, I was talked into trying some Asics SuperNova's. I was told by that sales person they would be the most comfortable shoes ever. Well, they are not. They don't even look as cool.
They will work for now, but I don't think they are the most comfortable shoes ever. Do you think if I call Addidas, they will make them just for me?
I doubt it too. Well, I do know this, running is hard. Why didn't we decide to walk the Mini???
Silly us. I am going to do it though. I think I can run about .25miles now. YIPEE!!!! Ok so it may be a little more than that. Keep me going please.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My first run was Friday morning. I did a lot better than I thought I would. I am following the Hal Higdon's training guide. 10 min walk, 30 sec jog, 30 sec walk, (keep the 30/30 up for 15 min) then 5 min walk. I also had to push a stroller filled with 100 lbs of children, keep two other children from crashing into each other while riding their bikes ( I am sure they were hitting tires just to see how much I could talk and run, the lecture came inbetween huffs and puffs). This is a lot of work. But, I think I will make it. I did not run today, Saturday, because freezer cooking for the night gals was last night. They did not leave until 1115PM!!! And I had to be at work bright and early at 7am. I did not awaken at the planned 5am, but rather 615am. Had to leave the house by 630. So, needless to say, no running today. I will run tomorrow. I promise!! I need you help me out.
So, why am I running? First, I need to lose 20lbs. Second, I want to prove I still got it. If you know what I mean. After birthing 4 kids and years after turning 30, I need to do something that lets me know I am still a hottie. Third, my friend Amy asked me to do this with her. And the 5 other people I suckered into doing this will be watching to see if I actually do it. Fourth, and probably most important, God tells us to be a living sanctuary for Him. I need to take care of my body in order to use it for Him.
Wow, that was a lot of words!! Hope you did not get to board!! Stay tuned for more details. I promise, I will give the oldest two the camera and you can watch first hand the struggles of this Mama calling out to the Lord to give her wings.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Freezer Cooking
The finished cooler for Misty to take home.
I love cooking. And eating it to.
So, after all of this is done, I don't want to cook. What do we do? Go to The Breadladies of course. Where else do you go on a Friday night? They have great sandwiches and live music on Friday nights. Check them out
Here are the kids dancing to some jazzy rock. Aren't they cute? Luke is the boy in the picture. He lives down the road. Grace and he play a lot.
So cute!!
Cameron (left) and his other brother Harrison
Monday, July 21, 2008
Working Moms
Only if our situation changed, would I be willing to work anymore than what I am doing right now. Are the moms who work full time feeling this way too, and just afraid to say it? I don't know. All I know is God created me to be a wife and a mommy full time, and allowed me to become a nurse so I can use those skills part time to make some extra cash for playing around. I am thankful I became a nurse. It allows me to be the Proverbs 31 woman without sacrificing the children arising and calling me blessed.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Champions of Whine
I have discovered through this that my children are attached to nothing. They have no special toys or blankets, nothing they would be devastated without. Is this a good thing? Probably, they will be able to adapt to new situations easily. But, it causes me to be more creative than just finding what they hold valuable and removing it until the desired behavior is achieved. What do you do with that?
Wow!! I went to find a picture of these gifts whining at their best and I could not find one. I need to take more pictures.
"Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths, guide me in truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:4
One day at a time. The Lord will show me his ways.